There's a bug in the current version where the instructions don't show. This made the tutorial very confusing. It will be fixed in the upcoming update. In the meantime, I made a video walkthrough of the tutorial map (with the instructions visible)
Not sure if anyone also experiences this, but any time I change the window from windowed to fullscreen, it flashes on and off at random intervals. No other resolution or quality settings fix it. At windowed, it's fine. Maybe it could be my GPU drivers or something? No idea. Currently on version 6.3.2, but the 6.3.0 version also had this quirk.
Hey, just started playing, have some thoughts on my first moments in the game:
- one of the maps has player color as white and enemies' as grey - VERY confusing for a newcomer, and that neatly segues to:
- The graphics in general don't give you a clear picture at a glance- shades of grey, flat textures, lighting's not helping - I get style choices, doing it like this to show reinforcing how much it's all a digital hell. Surely we things could stand out a bit more from each other, without compromising the art style? The goal you bring the ball to is especially bad, lost in the light show around the map. I lost several times because of I got confused - it feels frustrating and unfair. There's a reason most games make sure objectives stand out from the environment, characters have easily noticeable characteristics for easy identification, etc.
- most things are well explained, the pointers the game gives you are generally good! The task list helps you to orient yourself without getting in your way - well done. The guards pointing you to where the buildings are could maybe be replaced with labels on the map when paused, or keep both.
- some weapons feel really under-powered, some are quite clunky, a few seem to shred thru everything, incl. energy (like the auto-aim automatic). Maybe additional properties to the cards could be a good addition ( I have not yet played much, idk if you get that later) Ofc I get that balance is going to be be off in an in-dev product :P
- The idea of the news explaining what is currently in rotation, the cards floating up there SEEMS cool, sure, but it just serves to waste your time in the end. KISS - Keep It Stupidly Simple. Put the card stats in a simple tooltip when hovered over in the doll loadout menu (after clicking to select a card, then hovering over another one you could have them compared side-by-side - it'd be rather convenient). In other words "Holy this-should've-been-a-menu Batman!"
- Same with charging the dolls, sex? Sounds fun! In actuality it's just annoying to do it EVERY time.Now, IF you turn it onto a whole minigame with a good amount of content, variety, interactivity, or plain ol' fun - it'd be a fun side activity. Get rid of it until then. Though fun that's mandatory to get the boosts could still get less fun after a while it'd be a big improvement.
- the doll's energy display is not very helpful as it is now. KISS and replace it with a simple bar that's always 100% visible, until a better way to do it comes up. How about a meter that's a part of your character's clothing/equipment - kinda like the energy/O2 display on the backpacks in Astroneer. THAT would be cool!
- clothing/equipment that's a 3D model - that would also be cool! There's tons of art for inspiration out there.
- The tutorial doesn't mention anything about HP, and in the heat of battle I didn't even notice there IS an HP system, though with other ways to lose maybe you don't need the dolls to have health? Instead on hit, you'd lose energy, maybe get debuffs, below like 20% you can't use weapons, at 0 doll's KO'd (maybe sesbian lex to get her back in the fight?). Just some ideas.
To summarize, the LAST thing anyone wants is being annoyed with chores, etc. when they want to relax and have fun. So many games end up making you waste time running around, repetitive tasks that feel pointless - please think thrice before you make us do it twice.
If you ask if the game is too hard? Well, I did lose a few times at first, but honestly it doesn't feel terribly difficult when you can actually see what is happening. At least the first couple runs felt fine I guess. Balancing a game in active development is a sisyphean task - make sure that it's playable, I'd worry about difficulty and balance around the final stretch to release.
The game is Splatoon with sex, but man, does it not feel like an strategy/tactics arrangement of sorts could work better here? You could keep the TPS element: some games are specifically a shooter-RTS hybrid - so it can work. RTS-style controls + active pause could even be the ticket to one-handed operation! (not too much of a stretch given what autonomy for the dolls already exists). Actually, disregard everything here except the last one, THAT is what this game needs the most :P
I get a absurd amount of Nicole cards when trading with prisoners, so many that now I have 4 max level Nicole, and that's after trading other one of max level and trade out a bunch of low level ones. In contrast, I don't have not even one max out 2B. Is this by design or is just my luck being the shittiest?
Hey boss, I think I ran into a bug with the voices. I unlocked a voice at the shop, but it seems like it went onto the second page even though I couldn't get to the second page (the arrow was still greyed out.) After I unlocked one more voice, I could navigate to the second page just fine. It seemed kind of like there was a value counting the number of voices unlocked and opening the second page when the player has 9 (one more than fits on a page), but since there's an option for "none" voice, the 8th voice goes to the second page before the player can. Anyway the game is super fun and even though unlocking the challenges feels a little grindy, I'm determined to get there! Hope you keep working on this, it's really exciting every time an update comes out
Judging by the responses of people from various sources, it looks like my game is becoming too hard that it's not fun anymore. I'll look for ways to make my game easier but still fun for those who seek challenges. But this might take a long time.
Thank you for your consideration! Is always good when the dev hears the feedback. I'm being pretty vocal with my feedback, but I want to make clear I think this game is great, one of the best adult games, and one of the few that I would play even without the adult content.
Hey, glad to hear that you guys are going to manage the difficulty a bit better. IMO, I always end up at a roadblock at around difficulty 50-75, never even reaching higher due to multiple factors I'll mention in a sec. I was tinkering a bit, and maybe you could do stuff to make the game even more complex, and in turn offer ways to make it easier, like...
Having an incentive for coloring the floor, separate from the Dolls' skills. Just like in Splatoon, bytes could both suffer the penalty for treading through the player's color and also covering the surrounding area with the player's color when defeated. The fact that covering the ground does not affect bytes intensifies the problem of having too much ground to cover back, moreso when Byte Rush is in effect. This gives some breathing room to the player and ups the importance of coloring the ground with your own.
Decrease the spawn rates of Gygabytes. I have noticed this in further difficulties where I kill a couple of keyboard warriors, and then the arena ends up with 2 more on 2 separate locations, having lasers focused on me again, or ending up taking down some impersonators and spammers, and then seeing bashers pop up outta nowhere 1 second after. Again, no breathing room that forces the player to dump their entire energy mag to dispose of them again, and if they don't, they get swarmed, clinged on, and possibly destroyed. You could argue it's lack of priority, but really, what's priority when you have 2 bashers and 2 spammers on your tail while cornered? Did I mention the keyboard warriors yet? You could also argue that this would decrease the bit count for the firewall, but you're also getting plenty enough from destroying bytes, and there's plenty of them to go around, so having too many of them isn't as bad as too many Gygabytes.
Either bumping the damage of certain weapons, having a shooting gallery/training room, or influencing what weapons there are in the rotation. Since I know letting the player choose their weapons is a no-go (and would make subsequent battles boring), having RNG for weapon choices suck. Too often am I stuck with either the range variants or the power spread variants, and they're not exactly the best IMO. You can skip the rotation by getting into the arena, then quitting the game, but that wastes time. If there was a system to influence what weapons you would get or have an area for trying them first and get a feel for them, then jump in before the 2 plays expire for that weapon rotation, then it could leave some control to the player. I am aware the practice mode is a thing, but you're still left with the things the rotation leaves you, so if you wanted to try out a weapon you have not seen before (or even unlocked in the gallery), tough luck, wait some more :/
Leveling skills? Maybe? This one may be more experimental, but say that after leveling up a Doll, you could also increase its base atk, def, nrg, etc, through skill points. This might sound redundant and probably minuscule, but could also provide some team composition and personalizing what you want each doll to be. All out on offense? Sure! Speedy on foot? You got it. Energy reserves for days on end? Why not? On top of it, you're already adding a special benefit you're getting from the cards. Not only the stat-ups, but the unique behavior/perk/upgrade you would not get from the base stat-ups from skills. It would not remove the importance of cards and allow both to exist.
...ok, I'm a bit biased on that last one since I'm a sucker for character progression, whether it's bland or complex, but in short, some suggestions I've thought about when playing to make the experience (hopefully) better. Loving the game so far, absolutely dig the style and dialog, it wears its heart on its sleeve very well.
I'm not usually afraid of a challenge, but losing card levels to the time restraint of the challenge keeps me from wanting to attempt it as often (at least, with any good cards). Defeating 100 bytes isn't bad by itself, but the time control with Meira's challenge is brutal-
Recently, I got a 91/100 score once after playing that challenge & I've had a hard time getting close to that since. As of this post, the only way to increase the time in this challenge is by defeating the fancy colored bytes (impersonator, basher, keyboard warrior, etc.), which gives you +2 seconds to the clock. This doesn't help much since it often takes longer than 2 seconds to kill most of those fancy bytes, even if you focus entirely on them with your weak weapon. Thankfully, you still have bombs to help with big groups, so at least you're not entirely hopeless.
Even still, the RNG between where those fancy bytes are at any given time & whether or not they die from the bombs exploding lends itself to time waste & a likely diminished high-value card which will put you in a slightly worse standing to win for the next run.
I'm not saying that Meira's challenge is entirely impossible, but I am saying that it's very likely to eat away at your cards &/or your time investment in this game. I love this game a lot, but I am worried that challenges like this could drive people away from getting the full achievement experience.
It's so funny and hypocritic that the game insists multiple times that only girls exist in this digital world. Then it immediately slaps a bunch of cocks on a bunch of them like it's a normal thing to do and doesn't play into the factor at all. 🤡🤡🤡
Out of curiosity I checked your profile, and noticed that you've been looking specifically for games with femboys or futa content, to comment something dumb like this under them.
Maybe it's time you should stop fapping all day and get a job? And look for meaningful positive contact with other people in the real world?
I see currently there is dolls with different hips/butt size, but we cant exchange the hip size of the dolls we already own. Will be a way to change in the future? And will be more sizes to select from? I would love to see more sizes and to be able to change them, because I really like to customize my characters, and for me thats one of the high points of the game.
before, when time only progressed when the real day ticked over, it was frustrating having to stop playing and wait for the shops to rotate. now that time only progresses after so many plays, it's frustrating having to grind out plays to get the shops to rotate. maybe there's a middle ground to be struck where the maps rotate after 8 plays or at midnight, so that people have the choice of beelining for new cosmetics or playing more casually and just checking them once a day?
kinda miss the old card gallery UI, new one is kinda confusing to move through, also miss the random run weapon swapping system because it still rewarded using the random ones by unlocking them, nice to have the city back though.
ye, I mean visually it's nice to look at as a completionist when I unlock everything, but only really then. Idk about the navigation of the old ui being any better though, both are confusing but at least this one makes it easier to understand where everything is since you can see it all at once if you want
I finished the tutorial and after I was shown the cells and going to the next part of the tutorial, the game UI kinda just bugs out and doesn't let me do anything. I can open a menu about baths or buying a doll by clicking invisible buttons.
It may have something to do with my previous save file being 2 or 3 years old from the times before RandomRun was a project, or because now I'm running windows 11 or something.
I can't play it yet but I like what can play so far. Keep up the good work!
I'm sorry this has happened to you. This is a major bug. This might be similar to the problem someone had encountered. I'll copy/paste what I mentioned to the person before:
Make sure you're playing an updated version of the game. (At least 6.1.4, but 6.2.0 is better)
If you're already playing an updated version, then please check the files in the game's folder. If you find an "Error Log.txt" file, please copy/paste its content here so I can determine the problem.
While you're not playing the game, double-click this file. Click "Yes" if asked.
Windows will say, "The keys and values ..... have been successfully added to the registry." Click "OK".
When that's done, play the game again and let me know if the problem still happens.
Unfortunately, that didn't seem to change anything. I wish I could be more helpful, but I don't know what's different about this pc from my old one aside from W11.
Edit: I didn't see the bit about checking for an Error Log file until just now. I took a look for one and no dice. Tried searching for "Error Log" and "Error" but nothing comes up.
I'm sorry I only saw this today. I'm terribly sorry. Thank you for letting me know of your findings as well. Another problem others had encountered was that the language of the Windows is not supported by the game. If your language isn't English-related, try changing to one and play the game again, see if it works.
The wait is fine. I don't mind. My Windows Language is set to English so I don't think that's the problem. However, the 6.3.2 update somehow made it even more impossible for me to play. I must have screwed something up when I got the files because now I can't even play the tutorial. The ui on the main menu is all screwed up and the buttons are invisible like they were in the last update when I got out of the tutorial. The only option I can click on is settings, those work fine but I can't even start the game now. This is from a fresh download of the most recent update, after getting rid of the previous folder just in case something deep in the files had messed up the game last time, but I dunno... maybe I just made things worse doing that.
Hi there o/ What is the Card Mixer logic to prefer the first or the second card to be the final result ? Is it only RNG and there is no way to guess right to avoid good card loss ? :S
After my first attempts I thought something like 'the second card will be the result", but then I lost a good card by fusing it with the similar non-nude card :(
After double-checking my code to make sure, it is as the other mentioned. The higher level will be the one to remain. If they both have the same level, it will be random instead.
im stuck at some type of screen, and there is a sign that says not naked not a slut, what i need to do? (i try to press EVERYTHING but there nothing i can do)
This is a major bug. Make sure you're playing an updated version of the game. (At least 6.1.4)
If you're already playing an updated version, then please check the files in the game's folder. If you find an "Error Log.txt" file, please copy/paste its content here so I can determine the problem.
Thanks, but i fix that myself. the thing that in my path to the game was " " (like invisible letter) and becuase of this game bugged. so i just put it somwhere else without strange symbols. But thanks for trying to help me!
A great game, amazing gameplay and great visuals, I can only recommend it^^
I also got 2 questions:
1.What happens when you get a version of a card to the max level (I read that it is 10)l? Does this version of the card disappear from the card pool? Or is there any other way to reduce the pool of cards that I can draw from packs? (My goal is to complete the gallery)
2. Is there a maximum upgrade level for the cards the other inmates can gift (or trade) you?
Once a card reaches level 10, you can't use it for mixing anymore. Sadly, there are no ways to delete or sell cards. I'm working on something to make this possible, but I can't make any promises at this point.
The level of the card an inmate can trade with you is based on the card she wishes to take from you. (Could be more, could be less) The maximum will be Level 10.
TL;DR: The game is fun, but makes your experience miserably by forcing you to sink time in inefficient menus or in repetitive gameplay.
This game is so fucking fun. And this only makes me more annoyed with what seems to be the design philosophy behind it.
I think a good game is design to make you have the biggest amount of fun possible. Most micro-transaction games are design to make you spend the most amount of money on it. This game looks like is make so you sink the most amount of time on it; it doesnt matter if its still fun, it doesnt matter if you will spend some money on it; the game just want you to play endless. So, in a certain point, you stop to play for the fun and start to play for the grind, and in other point, you realize how pointless the grind is, and stop playing the game at all. Which is a shame, because like I said, the game is fucking fun!
You can see the lack of respect with the player's time with some little implementations. For example, you need to know which bits are dropping in each stage. So, the easiest implementation would be to have a dialogue box written somewhere in stage selection which bits are dropping there currently. But no. You have to quit the stage selection, click in a television far away from you character, and watch a cutscene where it will tell you which are the bits from the day. And I hope you have good memory, because there is a lot of bits name to remember, you have to keep in mind which ones you need, which one are avaliable, and where they drop. This make that, sometimes, you have to watch this cutscene more then once. And since the bits drop location change every other play, you have to watch this cutscene at least once every 2 plays. It gets old very quickly.
You can also see the lack of respect with the bath mechanic. Once in like four plays you can spend 10 minutes doing absolutely nothing while your dolls take a bath. To send they to the bath, you have spend some more time walking the city (a compact menu? Not on this game!) to found they. All this for a almost insignificant amount of XP.
And speaking of XP, the amount of XP to max level a doll is ridiculous. The amount of time you have to spend playing with a doll to max her level is not compatible with the repetitive gameplay loop. Actually, the amount of unlockable content is not compatible with the gameplay variety.
Like, after you get level 5 with you prisoner, you start to win way more money that you can spend. With the stores based on RNG that are every 8th play, you can only spend so much money before need a recicle, and the more content you have already unlocked on the stores, more likely is to RNG give you a content you have already unlock on the store, and less money you will be able to spend on that cicle. In some point, you have money to spend on multiple consecutives cicles, without the need to play to get more money. But the only way to recicle the stores is to play the game and earn some more money. And the implemented solution for this problem was to make so it takes more time so you reach this point, but is still already as bad as it always where (or worse, because before you could at least recicle the stores without having to play a stage 8 times)
And then there is the core gameplay. Which, like I already said twice, is fun. But is repeatitive. There is only one gamemode. This gamemode have some variety because of the RNG on the weapons you will have, the stage avaliable for play, and the hazards presents on the stage. But this variety is not enough to be satisfactory with the sheer amount of times you will have to replay it in order to unlock all the content the game offers.
The game almost screams micro-transactions. It feels like it should be a "spend some dollars to recicle the store", "spend some money to make so your dolls dont need bath", "spend some money to have a XP booster", "spend some money to have acess to more concise menus". But there isn't. There is no microtransactions on the game (thank God) except for the passcodes you can unlock on the Patreon to see some nudity or bigger tits.
I think the idea for a "micro-transaction" would be like "hey, to satisfy your curiosity (or sexual desire) of seeing all those arts from those cars, you can play my game eternally, or support me on Patreon!". But for a player like me (and maybe like you, if you read until there), this doesn't work. I don't want to unlock all the cards to see the art. I want to unlock all of them because I'm something of a completionist, and want to see my gallery fulfilled. And I want to have max level cards because I'm something of a power player, and want to have my characters be strong.
The gameplay is fun and hard enough so I want to have a strong team, build one if you want to say this way. But the grind to make a strong team, the grind to have a max level character and/or a max level 3-stars cards is way to big. And all that grind only to enter in a stage with some shit weapons, and feel like shit. All this in a offline hentai game, where you cannot say to your friends "look this cool card I have!", nor to the online community. So the grind gets old and pointless at some time.
I have a suggestion of a new gameplay mode that would add some variety to the gameplay, makes the grind less tedious, and also less pointless. I will elaborate it on the comments below.
This harsh review comes of a place of love, of someone who loves the game and want to have some fun with it. I played the game in the old times of random city, and was so excited when it came back. But I only found even more grind-focus game. And been grind-focus isn't a problem, I have more than 2000 hours in Warframe, the problem is how pointless the grind feels in this game. I just want to have some fun in Nude Byte, but the way the games feels right now, is really miserable.
My suggestion for a gameplay mode it would be a survival mode. In this mode, the game starts at some higher difficulty, like 40 or something, and you dont have to recover the balls, but instead survive while maintaining a certain minimum kill per minute score. Each X time you are able to survive, you get one reward, and the difficulty increase. To win the mode, you have to break the target bellow the Godess, like in normal gameplay. If all of yor dolls die, you lose, and dont win any rewards.
In this gamemode, you could select which weapons you would take. The avaliable weapons to take would be only the ones you already unlocked the correspond card by playing the normal gamemode. Maybe you could also select two cards for the dolls, one for the stats, other for the IA behavior.
There would be two random avaliable stages (like normal mode), each one associated with a type of boost card pack. For each X time you where able to survive, you would be rewarded with one random card contained in such boost. So, if you have to survive for 1 minute and survive for 5 minutes in a stage associated with the game-characters pack, you would get 5 random game-characters cards. This gamemode would not give any bits or money, only the cards.
Playing this gamemode would count normally for the shop cicle. This way, those who want to build a strong team have a gamemode to build those teams without having to rely on RNG; those who want to unlock cards have other way to get cards besides the boost packs (but it could be balanced in such a way that buying the boost packs daily would still be optimal); and those searching for some gameplay variety to recicle they days would have a new gamemode to try out. And this gamemode would not replace the normal gamemode, only add to the game.
This game is exactly the type of game that I have been looking for ! Great work !
I am not sure if there is a dedicated area for reporting issues but I've noticed that support cards that don't have an additional effect like 000 Basic Nicole, during a game the top right corner of the screen shows the card with the effect of the previous doll's card effect (like Guardian, Ball Hunter ...etc).
this might sound like a useless, harsh ramble but these are my strong feelings about a game i deeply enjoy but am unsatisfied with:
i really enjoy the game, the gameplay is fun, fast and easy to understand. but there's no variation, the new modifiers are cool but they barely change the gameplay really. the early parts of a match are really boring without any bytes, i think the map should start with some bytes already on it.
none of the weapons are really fun. they're boring, and whenever i get a bad one i have to force myself to keep playing so they change. it would be better if each doll had defined weapons and the weapon cards changed stats for the weapon and the secondary. For example, a "sniper weapon card" would change a full auto into a semi-auto with higher power or something like that.
the current system for getting cards suck. it's too grindy for a single-player offline game, and as i said, weapon cards are really boring so if you're not collecting everything you don't really feel the incentive to get new ones. i think there should be a separate weapon pack where you can only get dupes to unlock the variations "busty and nude" and when they're finished, you can't get them anymore. this would make it so you keep playing with the weapons you enjoy with the playstyle you like while still being able to get new things.
speaking of card packs. they shouldn't be limited to 3 per day, i think there should be a card shop where you can buy from, for example, a choice of 5 packs that get overwritten by other ones so you can still get the pack variation. these wouldn't reset with a day.
speaking of day resets, 8 is too much. 6 would be fine. and also, i like how you can get different byte types that cost more in harder stages, but i don't think card packs should cost specific bytes. they should cost money.
i also thought about a certain modifier that's applied before a match, onto a specific map when you're choosing. it's 2x speed. not really movement speed, but you get double bits and you only get 30 seconds to score. also, balls would count as 2. but the "skip modifier" that increases the minimum balls would be applied, so it's high risk high reward. this would make for a very fun variation i think.
i like how the new moves for each doll feels. they're great. the art is awesome, and the visuals of each map are awesome too. i think killing bytes should paint nearby tiles.
there's a bug where a impersonator's little body spawns below the ground and is unkillable.
i really like the new difficulty, the game feels way harder in a satisfying way.
so, basically everything that pertains to actual gameplay is very good and satisfying while everything you do outside of it is grindy and boring. also i think at max level, dolls should be able to equip 2 upgrade cards.
i love this game and i probably have about 200 hours, but couldn't even get myself to play 20 on the new update because it just feels weird.
also please give us a bloom and motion blur toggle
I agree with this person's opinion about the weapons. I also liked the old variant where the dolls didn't carry the weapon model like they do now, but that one you could make it an option like the ones available in the boost store, them modifiers we can toggle. That's by far the best implementation in the game xD
i can't download the game through the itch app, only the save transfer app, i think it's because you forgot to add a tag to it to say it's compatible with windows?
I'm terribly sorry. I double-checked the Help, and I did write that. Sadly, it's a typo. I should fix that Help entry in the next update. To answer your question, unfortunately, you can't buy bits. Bits can only be obtained either from battles or the Glitch City's floor.
Question about max level upgrade card (I've yet to reach it), can you still mix it with other enchantment type and hopefully (pray RNGesus!) get the one you want?
EDIT, Max Card Reached: Oof, can't do anything to them huh? So does that mean the maxed card won't be in the packs/prisoners/mix RNG pool? Or we're still getting "junks"?
EDIT 2: Welp, Prisoners still trade them out. I hope this card system get a QoL update in the future. 😝
Need a hotkey to hide the HUD/UI whenever and wherever. Sometime you just want to enjoy the views without the dialog box.
Thank you for sharing your input. Selling cards is surely useful. However, implementing this will take a long time. I can't make any promises. And your suggestion of hiding the dialog box is a good idea. I can try adding this if I'm able to.
I dont know if its a bug, but when i try to type the passcode i write and nothing apears in the line (like it dont recognize my keyboard or something) and only allows me press enter, but then give me the message "invalid passcode"
Since the max upgrade level of a card is 10 and having more than 4 copies of a variant of a card is redundant. I'd like to ask, will there be a way to sell, recycle or maybe exchange unwanted duplicates for a different card?
(I'm aware that there's a card trading system with other inmates, however it depends entirely on RNG and having to remember which cards you have surplus of and which cards you don't have yet)
Also considering we're playing as a prisoner in a horny jail in a porn-filled glitchy cyberspace, I'm surprise that there aren't any reference to Projekt Melody. :P
Hey, I'd just like to start saying - this game is amazing. Super fun, easy to lose a couple hours in the gameplay. I only have a few gripes though:
1. When merging two cards together of two different variations (e.g Basic merging with Basic and Busty) it doesn't specify which of the two cards is actually getting buffed and which one is getting deleted. I've had multiple occasions when I wanted to make a specific card with a good ability stronger, and tried to merge with another of the same character, and I ended up deleting the good card and buffing the worse one. Maybe in the future instead of simply merging them together we could have an enhancement system? It's basically the same thing but it's made clear which card will get buffed and which card is being sacrificed.
2. I've had the crazy idea of wanting to complete the card gallery, but I have no idea what the requirements are for "collecting" a weapon card. Is it based on how long you use the card or is it based on kills or something else entirely? It would be cool if when you highlighted a card in the spiral gallery thing, it showed the requirements for unlocking it (and maybe how close you are to unlocking it).
3. I know everyone else is saying it, but it would be nice if we could bring back the (or implement a new) character that can be paid to skip to the next day, instead of having to spend half an hour grinding the arena to move onto the next day in order to update the style shop, the card packs and the prisoner requests.
The only other thing I'm not even gonna bother making a point for (because it doesn't REALLY need to be said), but more maps, style items, game modes and hazards would be great for replayability, You can probably just disregard this part because I assume that this one is a given in due time.
Alright that's it from me. I'll keep checking back here frequently for any news or updates, once again, game is super fun and has lots of potential. Good work 👍
1. It's meant to be a gamble, but now that you mentioned it, it gave me an idea for a Boost item... 2. That's true. I forgot to include how to obtain them. It used to be present back in the Random Run versions, but I forgot to include it in Glitch City. I'll see what I can do to add this again. Regardless, you have to use the weapon (not the AI dolls, but you) for 3 minutes. (10 minutes for the "Busty" versions) 3. This, sadly, is something I can't do. I like how it is right now, and I think it's a good balance so far. Here's a technique that I did while testing: Enter a battle, skip the Goddesses' intro, pause, and then exit. Do this 8 times to quickly skip the day.
Help me understand this, in "Help>Gallery" it says 60 sec to unlock weapon cards, is this for where any dark card is turn bright? Or is it the one you said above (3m & 10m)?
Beside the gallery unlock, does all weapon cards always available to be chosen randomly? You don't need to do anything to make other version available in the RNG pool? (this is where the 3m and 10m confused me, after a certain time using a basic card, let say after 10 minutes, the basic card turn bright then the busty card (non-nude) also turn bright despite never using it)
And 1 more thing, is it possible to have ability to swap weapon card slot in the Battle Arena Building? I find it that swapping BOTH doll AND enchantment card just to match weapon a bit hassle. And I always confused which doll/which hotkey every time I did this.
I'm sorry I only saw this today. For the 3min/10min, this applies to both the non-busty and busty versions of the weapon card. (So using the non-busty for 10 min will unlock the busty version) Regarding the swapping weapons, I was thinking of adding this before, but I failed to make it work. I want to add the ability to swap weapons sometime in the future, but I can't make any promises.
Does busty version do anything other than just different art?
Also, I see them appear in practice mode (big button on ground's art), but they don't show on doll's back. I think I never seen them appear on the elevator display either.
This is a bug. Thank you for reporting! And sadly, yes, Busty ones only have different art, but the function is the same. (The one with differences is between basic and naked, where basics have bombs while nakeds have waves)
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is all of the nudity/18+ content behind a paywall? (your Patreon)
yes it is
the cards are still 18+, but the models and sprites of shopkeepers are censored/clothed
idk how to do the tutorial xd
There's a bug in the current version where the instructions don't show. This made the tutorial very confusing. It will be fixed in the upcoming update.
In the meantime, I made a video walkthrough of the tutorial map (with the instructions visible)
Not sure if anyone also experiences this, but any time I change the window from windowed to fullscreen, it flashes on and off at random intervals. No other resolution or quality settings fix it. At windowed, it's fine. Maybe it could be my GPU drivers or something? No idea. Currently on version 6.3.2, but the 6.3.0 version also had this quirk.
Hey, just started playing, have some thoughts on my first moments in the game:
- one of the maps has player color as white and enemies' as grey - VERY confusing for a newcomer, and that neatly segues to:
- The graphics in general don't give you a clear picture at a glance- shades of grey, flat textures, lighting's not helping - I get style choices, doing it like this to show reinforcing how much it's all a digital hell. Surely we things could stand out a bit more from each other, without compromising the art style? The goal you bring the ball to is especially bad, lost in the light show around the map. I lost several times because of I got confused - it feels frustrating and unfair. There's a reason most games make sure objectives stand out from the environment, characters have easily noticeable characteristics for easy identification, etc.
- most things are well explained, the pointers the game gives you are generally good! The task list helps you to orient yourself without getting in your way - well done. The guards pointing you to where the buildings are could maybe be replaced with labels on the map when paused, or keep both.
- some weapons feel really under-powered, some are quite clunky, a few seem to shred thru everything, incl. energy (like the auto-aim automatic). Maybe additional properties to the cards could be a good addition ( I have not yet played much, idk if you get that later) Ofc I get that balance is going to be be off in an in-dev product :P
- The idea of the news explaining what is currently in rotation, the cards floating up there SEEMS cool, sure, but it just serves to waste your time in the end. KISS - Keep It Stupidly Simple. Put the card stats in a simple tooltip when hovered over in the doll loadout menu (after clicking to select a card, then hovering over another one you could have them compared side-by-side - it'd be rather convenient). In other words "Holy this-should've-been-a-menu Batman!"
- Same with charging the dolls, sex? Sounds fun! In actuality it's just annoying to do it EVERY time.Now, IF you turn it onto a whole minigame with a good amount of content, variety, interactivity, or plain ol' fun - it'd be a fun side activity. Get rid of it until then. Though fun that's mandatory to get the boosts could still get less fun after a while it'd be a big improvement.
- the doll's energy display is not very helpful as it is now. KISS and replace it with a simple bar that's always 100% visible, until a better way to do it comes up. How about a meter that's a part of your character's clothing/equipment - kinda like the energy/O2 display on the backpacks in Astroneer. THAT would be cool!
- clothing/equipment that's a 3D model - that would also be cool! There's tons of art for inspiration out there.
- The tutorial doesn't mention anything about HP, and in the heat of battle I didn't even notice there IS an HP system, though with other ways to lose maybe you don't need the dolls to have health? Instead on hit, you'd lose energy, maybe get debuffs, below like 20% you can't use weapons, at 0 doll's KO'd (maybe sesbian lex to get her back in the fight?). Just some ideas.
To summarize, the LAST thing anyone wants is being annoyed with chores, etc. when they want to relax and have fun. So many games end up making you waste time running around, repetitive tasks that feel pointless - please think thrice before you make us do it twice.
If you ask if the game is too hard? Well, I did lose a few times at first, but honestly it doesn't feel terribly difficult when you can actually see what is happening. At least the first couple runs felt fine I guess. Balancing a game in active development is a sisyphean task - make sure that it's playable, I'd worry about difficulty and balance around the final stretch to release.
The game is Splatoon with sex, but man, does it not feel like an strategy/tactics arrangement of sorts could work better here? You could keep the TPS element: some games are specifically a shooter-RTS hybrid - so it can work. RTS-style controls + active pause could even be the ticket to one-handed operation! (not too much of a stretch given what autonomy for the dolls already exists). Actually, disregard everything here except the last one, THAT is what this game needs the most :P
Meira is too hard ngl, idk if the problem is the starting timer or that the gigabytes barely give any time
you can get more time by defeating the special bytes
Yeah but it doesn't seems to be enough, maybe I am lacking some levels on card or a strategy
you need the level 4 puppy ability which is time slow after you roll and shoot
I was wondering if that helps-
It's good to see some conversation on Meira's challenge as I've also been having a hard time
thats intended bud, its "glitch" city for a reason, and how does it slow the game down XD
I get a absurd amount of Nicole cards when trading with prisoners, so many that now I have 4 max level Nicole, and that's after trading other one of max level and trade out a bunch of low level ones. In contrast, I don't have not even one max out 2B. Is this by design or is just my luck being the shittiest?
Sadly, this is purely by luck.
(But if I were a player, I'd sure want those Max Nicoles)
After double-checking my code, it turns out I'm wrong and this is indeed a bug. Thank you for reporting.
Hey boss, I think I ran into a bug with the voices. I unlocked a voice at the shop, but it seems like it went onto the second page even though I couldn't get to the second page (the arrow was still greyed out.) After I unlocked one more voice, I could navigate to the second page just fine. It seemed kind of like there was a value counting the number of voices unlocked and opening the second page when the player has 9 (one more than fits on a page), but since there's an option for "none" voice, the 8th voice goes to the second page before the player can. Anyway the game is super fun and even though unlocking the challenges feels a little grindy, I'm determined to get there! Hope you keep working on this, it's really exciting every time an update comes out
Thank you for reporting this bug!
Judging by the responses of people from various sources, it looks like my game is becoming too hard that it's not fun anymore.
I'll look for ways to make my game easier but still fun for those who seek challenges. But this might take a long time.
Thank you for your consideration! Is always good when the dev hears the feedback. I'm being pretty vocal with my feedback, but I want to make clear I think this game is great, one of the best adult games, and one of the few that I would play even without the adult content.
you could try around with an easy mode type of thing
imo love the difficulty and gameplay in general. Looking forward to each and every update!
Hey, glad to hear that you guys are going to manage the difficulty a bit better. IMO, I always end up at a roadblock at around difficulty 50-75, never even reaching higher due to multiple factors I'll mention in a sec. I was tinkering a bit, and maybe you could do stuff to make the game even more complex, and in turn offer ways to make it easier, like...
...ok, I'm a bit biased on that last one since I'm a sucker for character progression, whether it's bland or complex, but in short, some suggestions I've thought about when playing to make the experience (hopefully) better. Loving the game so far, absolutely dig the style and dialog, it wears its heart on its sleeve very well.
Absolutely love this game, idk why theres so little activity in the comments and so many nerds complaining/hating, games fkn fire much love
new update?
Meria's challenge is too much.
I feel the same way.
I'm not usually afraid of a challenge, but losing card levels to the time restraint of the challenge keeps me from wanting to attempt it as often (at least, with any good cards). Defeating 100 bytes isn't bad by itself, but the time control with Meira's challenge is brutal-
Recently, I got a 91/100 score once after playing that challenge & I've had a hard time getting close to that since. As of this post, the only way to increase the time in this challenge is by defeating the fancy colored bytes (impersonator, basher, keyboard warrior, etc.), which gives you +2 seconds to the clock. This doesn't help much since it often takes longer than 2 seconds to kill most of those fancy bytes, even if you focus entirely on them with your weak weapon. Thankfully, you still have bombs to help with big groups, so at least you're not entirely hopeless.
Even still, the RNG between where those fancy bytes are at any given time & whether or not they die from the bombs exploding lends itself to time waste & a likely diminished high-value card which will put you in a slightly worse standing to win for the next run.
I'm not saying that Meira's challenge is entirely impossible, but I am saying that it's very likely to eat away at your cards &/or your time investment in this game. I love this game a lot, but I am worried that challenges like this could drive people away from getting the full achievement experience.
How do you enter the avatar during the initial tutorial? I press all the buttons and none seem to work :P
just press 1
It's so funny and hypocritic that the game insists multiple times that only girls exist in this digital world. Then it immediately slaps a bunch of cocks on a bunch of them like it's a normal thing to do and doesn't play into the factor at all. 🤡🤡🤡
suck it up snowflake
Out of curiosity I checked your profile, and noticed that you've been looking specifically for games with femboys or futa content, to comment something dumb like this under them.
Maybe it's time you should stop fapping all day and get a job? And look for meaningful positive contact with other people in the real world?
I see currently there is dolls with different hips/butt size, but we cant exchange the hip size of the dolls we already own. Will be a way to change in the future? And will be more sizes to select from? I would love to see more sizes and to be able to change them, because I really like to customize my characters, and for me thats one of the high points of the game.
It also feels so necessary to have another boob size between medium and large...
So far I've gotten a lot of progress done and this game is so well-made amazing job! don't ever stop making games like this:)
before, when time only progressed when the real day ticked over, it was frustrating having to stop playing and wait for the shops to rotate. now that time only progresses after so many plays, it's frustrating having to grind out plays to get the shops to rotate. maybe there's a middle ground to be struck where the maps rotate after 8 plays or at midnight, so that people have the choice of beelining for new cosmetics or playing more casually and just checking them once a day?
kinda miss the old card gallery UI, new one is kinda confusing to move through, also miss the random run weapon swapping system because it still rewarded using the random ones by unlocking them, nice to have the city back though.
ye, I mean visually it's nice to look at as a completionist when I unlock everything, but only really then. Idk about the navigation of the old ui being any better though, both are confusing but at least this one makes it easier to understand where everything is since you can see it all at once if you want
I'm just not a fan of the weird tube one, makes me lose track of where I am pretty easily, would rather just have the flat board style
A great QoL addition would be to be able to sort cards by their color and/or by their AI behavior
These are good ideas. I'll add them in a future update. Thank you for the suggestions.
I finished the tutorial and after I was shown the cells and going to the next part of the tutorial, the game UI kinda just bugs out and doesn't let me do anything.
I can open a menu about baths or buying a doll by clicking invisible buttons.
It may have something to do with my previous save file being 2 or 3 years old from the times before RandomRun was a project, or because now I'm running windows 11 or something.
I can't play it yet but I like what can play so far. Keep up the good work!
I'm sorry this has happened to you. This is a major bug.
This might be similar to the problem someone had encountered. I'll copy/paste what I mentioned to the person before:
Make sure you're playing an updated version of the game. (At least 6.1.4, but 6.2.0 is better)
If you're already playing an updated version, then please check the files in the game's folder. If you find an "Error Log.txt" file, please copy/paste its content here so I can determine the problem.
In the meantime, try downloading this file:
While you're not playing the game, double-click this file. Click "Yes" if asked.
Windows will say, "The keys and values ..... have been successfully added to the registry." Click "OK". When that's done, play the game again and let me know if the problem still happens.
Unfortunately, that didn't seem to change anything. I wish I could be more helpful, but I don't know what's different about this pc from my old one aside from W11.
Edit: I didn't see the bit about checking for an Error Log file until just now. I took a look for one and no dice. Tried searching for "Error Log" and "Error" but nothing comes up.
I'm sorry I only saw this today. I'm terribly sorry.
Thank you for letting me know of your findings as well.
Another problem others had encountered was that the language of the Windows is not supported by the game. If your language isn't English-related, try changing to one and play the game again, see if it works.
The wait is fine. I don't mind. My Windows Language is set to English so I don't think that's the problem.
However, the 6.3.2 update somehow made it even more impossible for me to play. I must have screwed something up when I got the files because now I can't even play the tutorial. The ui on the main menu is all screwed up and the buttons are invisible like they were in the last update when I got out of the tutorial. The only option I can click on is settings, those work fine but I can't even start the game now. This is from a fresh download of the most recent update, after getting rid of the previous folder just in case something deep in the files had messed up the game last time, but I dunno... maybe I just made things worse doing that.
Hi there o/
What is the Card Mixer logic to prefer the first or the second card to be the final result ?
Is it only RNG and there is no way to guess right to avoid good card loss ? :S
For what I noticed, its RNG if the cards are the same level, and if one is of a higher level, the result will be equal the one of higher level
ah good to know for the higher level thing
After my first attempts I thought something like 'the second card will be the result", but then I lost a good card by fusing it with the similar non-nude card :(
After double-checking my code to make sure, it is as the other mentioned. The higher level will be the one to remain. If they both have the same level, it will be random instead.
can anyone explain the card unlock in the gallery it all same to me ?
You need to look at a card without using the middle panel. (Stopping the time helps)
I've just read the new development log and the Added section and Changed section. This update was extremely good!
Been able to change the weapon between your dolls is such a amazing QoL improvemen. Excelent patch!
im stuck at some type of screen, and there is a sign that says not naked not a slut, what i need to do? (i try to press EVERYTHING but there nothing i can do)
This is a major bug. Make sure you're playing an updated version of the game. (At least 6.1.4)
If you're already playing an updated version, then please check the files in the game's folder. If you find an "Error Log.txt" file, please copy/paste its content here so I can determine the problem.
In the meantime, try downloading this file:
While you're not playing the game, double-click this file. Click "Yes" if asked.
Windows will say, "The keys and values ..... have been successfully added to the registry." Click "OK".
When that's done, play the game again and let me know if the problem still happens.
Thanks, but i fix that myself. the thing that in my path to the game was " " (like invisible letter) and becuase of this game bugged. so i just put it somwhere else without strange symbols. But thanks for trying to help me!
It's the first time I've heard of this kind of error. Thank you for sharing this!
A great game, amazing gameplay and great visuals, I can only recommend it^^
I also got 2 questions:
1.What happens when you get a version of a card to the max level (I read that it is 10)l? Does this version of the card disappear from the card pool? Or is there any other way to reduce the pool of cards that I can draw from packs? (My goal is to complete the gallery)
2. Is there a maximum upgrade level for the cards the other inmates can gift (or trade) you?
Once a card reaches level 10, you can't use it for mixing anymore.
Sadly, there are no ways to delete or sell cards. I'm working on something to make this possible, but I can't make any promises at this point.
The level of the card an inmate can trade with you is based on the card she wishes to take from you. (Could be more, could be less) The maximum will be Level 10.
One of the best artist and very fun and cool games ,but with the passcode it would be better :(
TL;DR: The game is fun, but makes your experience miserably by forcing you to sink time in inefficient menus or in repetitive gameplay.
This game is so fucking fun. And this only makes me more annoyed with what seems to be the design philosophy behind it.
I think a good game is design to make you have the biggest amount of fun possible. Most micro-transaction games are design to make you spend the most amount of money on it. This game looks like is make so you sink the most amount of time on it; it doesnt matter if its still fun, it doesnt matter if you will spend some money on it; the game just want you to play endless. So, in a certain point, you stop to play for the fun and start to play for the grind, and in other point, you realize how pointless the grind is, and stop playing the game at all. Which is a shame, because like I said, the game is fucking fun!
You can see the lack of respect with the player's time with some little implementations. For example, you need to know which bits are dropping in each stage. So, the easiest implementation would be to have a dialogue box written somewhere in stage selection which bits are dropping there currently. But no. You have to quit the stage selection, click in a television far away from you character, and watch a cutscene where it will tell you which are the bits from the day. And I hope you have good memory, because there is a lot of bits name to remember, you have to keep in mind which ones you need, which one are avaliable, and where they drop. This make that, sometimes, you have to watch this cutscene more then once. And since the bits drop location change every other play, you have to watch this cutscene at least once every 2 plays. It gets old very quickly.
You can also see the lack of respect with the bath mechanic. Once in like four plays you can spend 10 minutes doing absolutely nothing while your dolls take a bath. To send they to the bath, you have spend some more time walking the city (a compact menu? Not on this game!) to found they. All this for a almost insignificant amount of XP.
And speaking of XP, the amount of XP to max level a doll is ridiculous. The amount of time you have to spend playing with a doll to max her level is not compatible with the repetitive gameplay loop. Actually, the amount of unlockable content is not compatible with the gameplay variety.
Like, after you get level 5 with you prisoner, you start to win way more money that you can spend. With the stores based on RNG that are every 8th play, you can only spend so much money before need a recicle, and the more content you have already unlocked on the stores, more likely is to RNG give you a content you have already unlock on the store, and less money you will be able to spend on that cicle. In some point, you have money to spend on multiple consecutives cicles, without the need to play to get more money. But the only way to recicle the stores is to play the game and earn some more money. And the implemented solution for this problem was to make so it takes more time so you reach this point, but is still already as bad as it always where (or worse, because before you could at least recicle the stores without having to play a stage 8 times)
And then there is the core gameplay. Which, like I already said twice, is fun. But is repeatitive. There is only one gamemode. This gamemode have some variety because of the RNG on the weapons you will have, the stage avaliable for play, and the hazards presents on the stage. But this variety is not enough to be satisfactory with the sheer amount of times you will have to replay it in order to unlock all the content the game offers.
The game almost screams micro-transactions. It feels like it should be a "spend some dollars to recicle the store", "spend some money to make so your dolls dont need bath", "spend some money to have a XP booster", "spend some money to have acess to more concise menus". But there isn't. There is no microtransactions on the game (thank God) except for the passcodes you can unlock on the Patreon to see some nudity or bigger tits.
I think the idea for a "micro-transaction" would be like "hey, to satisfy your curiosity (or sexual desire) of seeing all those arts from those cars, you can play my game eternally, or support me on Patreon!". But for a player like me (and maybe like you, if you read until there), this doesn't work. I don't want to unlock all the cards to see the art. I want to unlock all of them because I'm something of a completionist, and want to see my gallery fulfilled. And I want to have max level cards because I'm something of a power player, and want to have my characters be strong.
The gameplay is fun and hard enough so I want to have a strong team, build one if you want to say this way. But the grind to make a strong team, the grind to have a max level character and/or a max level 3-stars cards is way to big. And all that grind only to enter in a stage with some shit weapons, and feel like shit. All this in a offline hentai game, where you cannot say to your friends "look this cool card I have!", nor to the online community. So the grind gets old and pointless at some time.
I have a suggestion of a new gameplay mode that would add some variety to the gameplay, makes the grind less tedious, and also less pointless. I will elaborate it on the comments below.
This harsh review comes of a place of love, of someone who loves the game and want to have some fun with it. I played the game in the old times of random city, and was so excited when it came back. But I only found even more grind-focus game. And been grind-focus isn't a problem, I have more than 2000 hours in Warframe, the problem is how pointless the grind feels in this game. I just want to have some fun in Nude Byte, but the way the games feels right now, is really miserable.
My suggestion for a gameplay mode it would be a survival mode. In this mode, the game starts at some higher difficulty, like 40 or something, and you dont have to recover the balls, but instead survive while maintaining a certain minimum kill per minute score. Each X time you are able to survive, you get one reward, and the difficulty increase. To win the mode, you have to break the target bellow the Godess, like in normal gameplay. If all of yor dolls die, you lose, and dont win any rewards.
In this gamemode, you could select which weapons you would take. The avaliable weapons to take would be only the ones you already unlocked the correspond card by playing the normal gamemode. Maybe you could also select two cards for the dolls, one for the stats, other for the IA behavior.
There would be two random avaliable stages (like normal mode), each one associated with a type of boost card pack. For each X time you where able to survive, you would be rewarded with one random card contained in such boost. So, if you have to survive for 1 minute and survive for 5 minutes in a stage associated with the game-characters pack, you would get 5 random game-characters cards. This gamemode would not give any bits or money, only the cards.
Playing this gamemode would count normally for the shop cicle. This way, those who want to build a strong team have a gamemode to build those teams without having to rely on RNG; those who want to unlock cards have other way to get cards besides the boost packs (but it could be balanced in such a way that buying the boost packs daily would still be optimal); and those searching for some gameplay variety to recicle they days would have a new gamemode to try out. And this gamemode would not replace the normal gamemode, only add to the game.
Thank you for your input.
This game is exactly the type of game that I have been looking for ! Great work !
I am not sure if there is a dedicated area for reporting issues but I've noticed that support cards that don't have an additional effect like 000 Basic Nicole, during a game the top right corner of the screen shows the card with the effect of the previous doll's card effect (like Guardian, Ball Hunter ...etc).
Thank you for reporting this error!
this might sound like a useless, harsh ramble but these are my strong feelings about a game i deeply enjoy but am unsatisfied with:
i really enjoy the game, the gameplay is fun, fast and easy to understand. but there's no variation, the new modifiers are cool but they barely change the gameplay really. the early parts of a match are really boring without any bytes, i think the map should start with some bytes already on it.
none of the weapons are really fun. they're boring, and whenever i get a bad one i have to force myself to keep playing so they change. it would be better if each doll had defined weapons and the weapon cards changed stats for the weapon and the secondary. For example, a "sniper weapon card" would change a full auto into a semi-auto with higher power or something like that.
the current system for getting cards suck. it's too grindy for a single-player offline game, and as i said, weapon cards are really boring so if you're not collecting everything you don't really feel the incentive to get new ones. i think there should be a separate weapon pack where you can only get dupes to unlock the variations "busty and nude" and when they're finished, you can't get them anymore. this would make it so you keep playing with the weapons you enjoy with the playstyle you like while still being able to get new things.
speaking of card packs. they shouldn't be limited to 3 per day, i think there should be a card shop where you can buy from, for example, a choice of 5 packs that get overwritten by other ones so you can still get the pack variation. these wouldn't reset with a day.
speaking of day resets, 8 is too much. 6 would be fine. and also, i like how you can get different byte types that cost more in harder stages, but i don't think card packs should cost specific bytes. they should cost money.
i also thought about a certain modifier that's applied before a match, onto a specific map when you're choosing. it's 2x speed. not really movement speed, but you get double bits and you only get 30 seconds to score. also, balls would count as 2. but the "skip modifier" that increases the minimum balls would be applied, so it's high risk high reward. this would make for a very fun variation i think.
i like how the new moves for each doll feels. they're great. the art is awesome, and the visuals of each map are awesome too. i think killing bytes should paint nearby tiles.
there's a bug where a impersonator's little body spawns below the ground and is unkillable.
i really like the new difficulty, the game feels way harder in a satisfying way.
so, basically everything that pertains to actual gameplay is very good and satisfying while everything you do outside of it is grindy and boring. also i think at max level, dolls should be able to equip 2 upgrade cards.
i love this game and i probably have about 200 hours, but couldn't even get myself to play 20 on the new update because it just feels weird.
also please give us a bloom and motion blur toggle
Thank you for your input and report.
I agree with this person's opinion about the weapons.
I also liked the old variant where the dolls didn't carry the weapon model like they do now, but that one you could make it an option like the ones available in the boost store, them modifiers we can toggle. That's by far the best implementation in the game xD
i can't download the game through the itch app, only the save transfer app, i think it's because you forgot to add a tag to it to say it's compatible with windows?
Thank you for letting me know. I made a mistake and forgot to tag the OS. It's set now.
Where can I buy bits? The help says you can buy it with money, but I don't know where you can buy it.
I'm terribly sorry. I double-checked the Help, and I did write that. Sadly, it's a typo. I should fix that Help entry in the next update.
To answer your question, unfortunately, you can't buy bits. Bits can only be obtained either from battles or the Glitch City's floor.
Question about max level upgrade card (I've yet to reach it), can you still mix it with other enchantment type and hopefully (pray RNGesus!) get the one you want?
EDIT, Max Card Reached: Oof, can't do anything to them huh? So does that mean the maxed card won't be in the packs/prisoners/mix RNG pool? Or we're still getting "junks"?
EDIT 2: Welp, Prisoners still trade them out. I hope this card system get a QoL update in the future. 😝
Need a hotkey to hide the HUD/UI whenever and wherever. Sometime you just want to enjoy the views without the dialog box.
Thank you for sharing your input.
Selling cards is surely useful. However, implementing this will take a long time. I can't make any promises.
And your suggestion of hiding the dialog box is a good idea. I can try adding this if I'm able to.
I dont know if its a bug, but when i try to type the passcode i write and nothing apears in the line (like it dont recognize my keyboard or something) and only allows me press enter, but then give me the message "invalid passcode"
Help, i want titties :(
When you're in the typing menu you then click onto 'type here' so you can use the text box
Thank you so much! It was so simple, just need to click jajaja silly me, thx :)
Since the max upgrade level of a card is 10 and having more than 4 copies of a variant of a card is redundant. I'd like to ask, will there be a way to sell, recycle or maybe exchange unwanted duplicates for a different card?
(I'm aware that there's a card trading system with other inmates, however it depends entirely on RNG and having to remember which cards you have surplus of and which cards you don't have yet)
Also considering we're playing as a prisoner in a horny jail in a porn-filled glitchy cyberspace, I'm surprise that there aren't any reference to Projekt Melody. :P
Hey, I'd just like to start saying - this game is amazing. Super fun, easy to lose a couple hours in the gameplay. I only have a few gripes though:
1. When merging two cards together of two different variations (e.g Basic merging with Basic and Busty) it doesn't specify which of the two cards is actually getting buffed and which one is getting deleted. I've had multiple occasions when I wanted to make a specific card with a good ability stronger, and tried to merge with another of the same character, and I ended up deleting the good card and buffing the worse one. Maybe in the future instead of simply merging them together we could have an enhancement system? It's basically the same thing but it's made clear which card will get buffed and which card is being sacrificed.
2. I've had the crazy idea of wanting to complete the card gallery, but I have no idea what the requirements are for "collecting" a weapon card. Is it based on how long you use the card or is it based on kills or something else entirely? It would be cool if when you highlighted a card in the spiral gallery thing, it showed the requirements for unlocking it (and maybe how close you are to unlocking it).
3. I know everyone else is saying it, but it would be nice if we could bring back the (or implement a new) character that can be paid to skip to the next day, instead of having to spend half an hour grinding the arena to move onto the next day in order to update the style shop, the card packs and the prisoner requests.
The only other thing I'm not even gonna bother making a point for (because it doesn't REALLY need to be said), but more maps, style items, game modes and hazards would be great for replayability, You can probably just disregard this part because I assume that this one is a given in due time.
Alright that's it from me. I'll keep checking back here frequently for any news or updates, once again, game is super fun and has lots of potential. Good work 👍
1. It's meant to be a gamble, but now that you mentioned it, it gave me an idea for a Boost item...
2. That's true. I forgot to include how to obtain them. It used to be present back in the Random Run versions, but I forgot to include it in Glitch City. I'll see what I can do to add this again. Regardless, you have to use the weapon (not the AI dolls, but you) for 3 minutes. (10 minutes for the "Busty" versions)
3. This, sadly, is something I can't do. I like how it is right now, and I think it's a good balance so far. Here's a technique that I did while testing: Enter a battle, skip the Goddesses' intro, pause, and then exit. Do this 8 times to quickly skip the day.
Help me understand this, in "Help>Gallery" it says 60 sec to unlock weapon cards, is this for where any dark card is turn bright? Or is it the one you said above (3m & 10m)?
Beside the gallery unlock, does all weapon cards always available to be chosen randomly? You don't need to do anything to make other version available in the RNG pool? (this is where the 3m and 10m confused me, after a certain time using a basic card, let say after 10 minutes, the basic card turn bright then the busty card (non-nude) also turn bright despite never using it)
And 1 more thing, is it possible to have ability to swap weapon card slot in the Battle Arena Building? I find it that swapping BOTH doll AND enchantment card just to match weapon a bit hassle. And I always confused which doll/which hotkey every time I did this.
I'm sorry I only saw this today.
For the 3min/10min, this applies to both the non-busty and busty versions of the weapon card. (So using the non-busty for 10 min will unlock the busty version)
Regarding the swapping weapons, I was thinking of adding this before, but I failed to make it work. I want to add the ability to swap weapons sometime in the future, but I can't make any promises.
No probs.
Does busty version do anything other than just different art?
Also, I see them appear in practice mode (big button on ground's art), but they don't show on doll's back. I think I never seen them appear on the elevator display either.
This is a bug. Thank you for reporting!
And sadly, yes, Busty ones only have different art, but the function is the same. (The one with differences is between basic and naked, where basics have bombs while nakeds have waves)