A downloadable porn game for Windows

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Hot Glue is a pornographic indie game. An action game with lots to collect!

Warning: This is a pornographic game that includes nudity and sexual acts. Make sure you're at least 18 years old to play.

Created by: Manyakis & Sausage Roll

Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(193 total ratings)
Made withUnity
Tags3D, Adult, figure, NSFW
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
InputsKeyboard, Mouse, Gamepad (any)


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Hot Glue (January 2022) 197 MB


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Hey, I'm going through the regeditor, trying to change my skill points and/or how much money I have. Could someone please tell me which values correspond to what?

Good game


(I'm under the assumption that this game has been discontinued forever) I've played this game for a good bit of time and I'm full heartily sad that this game will never be finished because this has the makings of a honestly fun game other then just another horny game but I can see elements of this game in nudebyite which is also a game I do enjoy a lot to the point i did the whole story. I'm just saying that I'm sad this game was never done and good job with nudebyite please don't  drop that game also its very fun 😢


can we get modding support for hot glue? because i would love to see mods made for this.

Real, I really want to see what people do with it. 

Это работа, которую я очень жду. Это тот редкий случай, когда качество графики и картинки такого уровня маломощное и некачественное. Впечатление от игры хорошее, перспективы хорошие, мобильность хорошая, но игра разочаровывает, потому что предметы, уровень инвентаря и навыки еще не определены. Для игры, находящейся на ранней стадии разработки, это потрясающе.

This is a work I am very looking forward to. This is a rare case where graphics and picture quality of this level are low-capacity and low-spec. The game's striking feel is good, the perspective changes are good, and the mobility is good, but it is a disappointing game because the items, inventory level, and skills have not been decided yet. For a game in early development, it's amazing.

とても期待している作品です。低容量で低仕様で、この程度のグラフィックと画質は珍しいケースです。 ゲームの打撃感も良く、視点変化も良く、モビリティの機動性も良いですが、まだアイテムやインベントリレベル、スキルに関して決まっていないのは残念なゲームです。初期の開発ゲームでは大変です。

just wondering what you're meant to do? i keep seeing people talking about battles and stuff but the only places i can find are the room and the prototype area

You can go to the door and go outside


Hey i think it has been enough time to ask for this but, small update to help grind money? Please and thank you lol

por no continuo el juego y era muy bueno :(


Hi, does anyone know where the save data is stored locally ? Changed computers and I tried transfering the files from localLow and the game folder's HotGlue_Data, but it just creates a new one every time. Any idea where the local save file is ?

registry editor look for their folder all unity games are like this

Thanks for that !

1.девушка кошка. Почему нет хвоста?

2 девушка мышка. Почему нет хвоста.

3 почему нет хвоста когда мы покупаем/ и или надеваем определенную прическу.

4 где анимация бега на четвереньки как у мышки? Когда ты создал персонажа на манер кошки тян, мышки тян?

5 что там с камерой. Вне игр?

6 будет ли ещё игры внутри игр? Как "время приключений"

7 будет ли отдельное приложение на мобильную платформу. "Время приключений". И или схожые кекс игры? Например дроны убийцы? Знаю такие игры могут попадать под авторское право т.к. в времени приключений показали девушку гг. Но все ж


Да не парься, обнов не будет и игра заброшена уже как 2 года)

Хм. Нужно купить права на эту игру скажем за 100₽ почему так мало ну она заброшена и перепродать например. Какой-нибудь корпорации за 1.000.000 млн:)


Великолепный план, Уолтер. Просто оху**ный, если я правильно понял. Надёжный, бл*ть, как швейцарские часы.

Are there any cheats for the game I just don't want to be grinding for hours to get stuff


Были б читы...если игра была б в мастерской стима. Или как там это дело зовётся? Будите завозить на Стим? Да музыки нехвотает и звуков. Определенных деталей тоже. Может когда-нибудь игра будет схожа по масштабу как карнал инстинкт. Главное добавить аксессуары, и внешность антро чужой с хвостом. Камеру подправить, звук. Думаю из-за мышки тян и ее эмоции на вопросы. То голос будет почти как у Sky или как там игра про человек светлячок зовётся XD. Будущее у этой игры есть. Вот если б на мобилке. И ещё шутер вот тогда вот запоется) спасибо вам за пре-бету-алфа версию:)


is there supposed to be audio mine dosn't have any and it's really uncomfortable 

No, there's a disclaimer at the start saying there isn't and it's normal.

o ok

Хм. Разработчик вы можете выпустить "bottom" futa например если куплен член, то в кастомизации персонажа можно выбрать фута член(член без яиц но с вагиной) чтобы сохранить анимации утех с девушками лезбиянками/би. И анимации утех с нормальными. М/Ж

1) если игра отменена 24 год пошел без обновлений. найдутся ли другая компания которая реализует этот шедевр? (можно ведь добавить оноксилис суккуб\агони .beast darling\fem bendy) почините камеру в лобби чтобы было свободное управление. также добавте вид от первого лица. разновидности пеннис. крылья чтобы можно в лобби\лесу летать. спасибо что зделали игру внутри игры с контентом утех. крайне печально что разработчик по событиям независящим его прикратил деательность) оноксилис и бест дарлинг бы заиграли новыми красками:)

I have a question. Is it possible to make money in the game? Or where is the save file? I'm not eager to farm money for several hours in a row to unlock new clothes and new scenes...


which npc licks nip?


i cant download it.  it says the zip is damaged

it's a glitch with itch, sometimes the files get corrupted

just download the game again

(1 edit)

Why was the game canceled?


They were some technical difficulties throughout the development and it ended up in failure, they explained why it was cancelled in game but Mike was thinking about reworking the game and make the development simpler in the future,.at least we have a lot to do until that day comes right?


When is the update?


Sadly cancelled.


Sadly it's not going to happen since the game was cancelled a while back

Is there somewhere to get a list of keyboard controls? Can't figure out how to rotate the camera more than a tiny bit, or how to access most of the map


the cam is wierd is this normal

I cant download it, anyone knows how to fix it :c?


Чувак, если знаешь чит-коды

Скажи мне пожалуйста



Я пробывал накрутить деньги в игре... Ну у меня ничего не получилось... Не очень хочется тратить кучу времяни на фарм волюты, мде...

(3 edits)

i cant get the S rank how it can be so hard

that all i can get i even did a speedrun

its like you cant get a S rank cuz there are no more enemies than just 6


When you finish the tutorial, go back and the enemies will respawn, defeat them without taking damage and roll back to the boat as fast as you can to achieve S Rank


I'm also making a short tutorial on how to obtain S Rank on the island?

ooh ty it will help a lot of ppl that tutorial 

Anytime buddy 

ok so the guy is right but you can still take some hits i took 3 and i still got an S rank so ya you can still take a few hits 


uh this game have any cheats just i tired grind

Can the character that i controll have a dick



2000 daddies in the shop

How to enlarge a character's chest?

Its something you can buy from The Seller

Where is the seller?

In the forest. Go to the door on the far right side of the room and click on it and it should take you there

Deleted 1 year ago

Anyone who knows how to get S rank in the training island? Done everything and killed everything but still only getting +A


Nevermind, keep making cancelling every time you make love with them, it will make the game think you're fighting more enemies

How did you get S Rank? I defeated all the enemies, got a 3 second avg defeat time, no recov, no hits, and the Bonus. But I still only get A+. I truly don't know what I could possibly do at this point. I've done the Tutorial mission upwards of 30 times at this point. 


just keep cancelling when they're having the H scenes, if you let them repeated over and over, it will give you more points—the more enemies the better from what I know.

Alright, I'll Try It Out! Thanks For The Advice


Discovering a game that look extremely promissing just to learn it's discontinued is heartbreaking




this is a threehanded game


buddy system

chido el juego pero como llego a los otros niveles??

whats the banana even for


Is the battle model that kid from adventure time and are those news girls those 2 news reporters from splatoon? Please say no cuz those look and are children.

Deleted 2 years ago

aren't you some fnf youtuber?  And what's with your attitude? 

Deleted 2 years ago

You should be watching your motherfucking tone bitch


how do u get ratiod on itch.io


Not sure if I want to post some Shakaila nude pics on this site and idk if the gifs will work out either ig I'll try it out later on


I recently ran into a bug that won't allow me to edit my character. Would anyone happen to know how to delete all saved data of this game, so I can do a fresh restart?

When you're in the game, pause and go to Customize Character then choose Reset From a Box, it should reset your progress that way

(1 edit)

Already tried that, but my character stays the same so I wanna try to delete my save/any info of it on my computer manually. Also this is what I get when trying to edit the characterShame too, because I got some mouse ears for her the day of this happening

Hmm I see, I never ran into this problem before, have you ever tried to uninstall the game, shut down your laptop or desk top, wait 10 seconds, power it up again and reinstall the game try that to see if you're in luck


Thats one of the second or third things I tried, yeah

You probably need a new laptop


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